Au hasard d’un tweet je suis tombé sur le site et plus précisément sur le projet Estylo 1.1. Kickstarter est une plateforme collaborative pour financer des projets/des idées présentés par des passionnés (ce que l’on nomme aussi le crowdfunding). Présentation du Estylo.
Certains projets sont simplement géniaux comme RevoLights qui a réussit à lever plus de 200 000$ pour un système ingénieux de lumières pour vélo. Pour en revenir à Estylo le projet a reçu suffisamment d’argent pour lancer une production en série. Comme vous pouvez le voir sur la vidéo ci-dessous le projet est bien aboutit et plus que séduisant (la somme de 17 000$ a ainsi été récolté). Ce stylet en bois sera produit en respectant les règles du développement durable.
Ce stylet magnétique peut être ainsi emporté avec son iPad sans aucun souci et permettra aux artistes, écrivains, amateurs de noter facilement toutes les idées, croquis et textes qui leur viennent en tête. Avec ce stylo la précision du trait est impressionnante et pour qui a déjà essayé de dessiner sur iPad procure un vrai confort.
Séduit par le projet j’ai décidé de le soutenir et j’attends donc avec impatience ce Stylet magnétique pour l’essayer et le faire essayer notamment aux enfants pour qui gérer l’épaisseur d’un trait avec son doigt sur un écran d’iPad n’a rien de facile.
Caractéristiques :
- Idéal pour le dessin, les croquis, l’écriture, lire des livres et les annoter…
- Adhérence magnétique avec l’iPad 2 sur le même principe que le smart cover
- Une ergonomie designée pour offrir une prise en main naturelle
- Offre une inclinaison de 5 à 70 degrés.
- 2 côtés dont un permettant un travail dans les détails.
- Aucune pression n’est nécessaire pour que le stylet fonctionne.
Le Estylo fonctionne sur tous les appareils ayant un écran tactile.
Guys,Go with the surface pro 3/4!
Leave iPad getting dust!
My vote definately is for Estylo 1.1 from Plai for sketching.I think , E.stylo is indeed with no doubt the most accurate capacitive stylus available in global market,which works without any direct electronic support or radio frequency support.But u need to get use to the holding angles and once u get use to it, its very easy.It also works with gloves on so that u can finally rest your hand comfortably on screen without unnecesary irritating inputs on the screen and it’s ideal for sketching,but may not be good for writing.Its better than Dagi, Adonit Jot-Pro, OStylus, etc because the discs of those styluses while touching the screen gives unnecesary lines or points on the screen near the aim or centre point, most of the time.Also while drawing vertical or horizontal lines with Estylo u get the buttery smoothness of the capacitive screens with best accuracy possible on a screen.Also till now, By-Zero’s aPen and other styluses for which By-Zero licenses technology or sells aPen with different brand names is also not so good option and not so fast and comfortable. The problem with APen stylus and styluses for which Apen licensed technology is that they only work with Few note taking apps and only with Studio Basic sketch software which lacks important features like copying many photos, Zooming for making fine lines, eye dropper tool, smudge tool, colour blur tool, Dodge tool, lighten or brighten tool, etc.And it does no support other sketch Application.Otherwise if u want an electronic stylus for very light sketching without zooming or other features or if u have no problem using a very limited compatable note taking apps , aPen will work out for u. Also your screen will not accept any other input other than the By-Zero’s aPen once aPen is being switched to on mode until it is switched off.
Please see…ive-stylus-for
Please check out this YouTube video i posted regarding Accuracy of Estylo by clicking on the following web link.…e_gdata_player
This video illustrates the accuracy of Estylo when drawing thin lines at the end of video.If possible, just zoom to see the thin lines being drawn accurately.
Estylo is compatible with all capacitive screen devices including iPad.
Well,This is the way to use Estylo
I came to know and analysed some important following points on e.stylo.
Important instructions for highest accuracy of e.stylo in sketching:
Use atleast 38 degrees slanted screen surface for more tilting comfort.Locate point with preferably back tip because in case of e.stylo 1.0,the corners of the back tip are less curved than that of front,giving more pin point control.Slightly offset back tip,maximum be around 40 degrees from the screen surface.
Line thickness will start before the little(very small) back tip curve.
It’s made out of wood, the front tip of the newer 1.1 version of Estylo stylus,works between 0 to 75 degree (Approximately) angle, the back tip works from 0 to 40 degree angle (Approximately), it has all most no self caused drag, the tips are thin and team figured out a cool way for it to work with gloves on.The small tip end which is *nearest to the exposed wood part is front tip end and the other end is back tip end.See one of the large side view of e.stylo for better understanding.
My advice:
Use back tip for both new 1.1 version and older version for fine sketching.
For starting a line from an intersection of 2 lines,u can use e.stylo tip in flat position without need for any offset.
The front and back tips can be operated at various angles from various corner points.One of the corner point is for precision sketching,as shown in this video.
Well Estylo is ideal for sketching on ipad but not for writing.For writing u need a stylus tip which can move really very fast while moving along short curves or short distances,compared to that in the case of sketching.Acually, till now no capacitive stylus without battery powered network interface is good for writing.For writing battery powered styluses like By-zero is good only if u really don’t need sketching app features like copying many photo layers and images/photos from iPad photo library,zooming for making fine lines, eye dropper tool, smudge tool, colour blur tool, Dodge tool, lighten or brighten tool, etc. And if u have no problem using a limited number of 2 or 3 Handwriting apps compatible.Also while using By-Zero u cannot charge your iPad.Similar electronic styluses compatible with android devices are available online now.By-Zero is made only for iPad till now.A stylus similar to aPen called iPen for iPad is now launched on kickstarter which is more productive since it works with few other Sketch apps available on itunes other than Studio basic,but still has similar problems in sketching productivity as that of aPen or By-Zero.If its about precision,By-zero or aPen has more precise tip than iPen.However iPen ‘s tip also is not bad for precision.All in all, for sketching purpose,Estylo is the best,it’s more precise than aPen,works with all softwares and program’s on virtually all Capacitive devices like iPad,and it’s cheaper than iPen or aPen.
The problem with styluses like OStylus,Dagi,Jot-Pro,etc with discs or disc like structures,presently in the market is that the discs of those styluses while touching the screen gives unnecesary lines or points on the screen near the aim or centre point,most of the time.
I have posted a set on
Regarding accuracy of Estylo.
See all my 4 image photos and video on Estylo’s accuracy feature and my comments on my posts on the above stated flickr website.There,See the image tittled-« Error in styluses with Disc tips (2nd image) »
(Ostylus tip touching the screen is shown).You will find unnecessary point or line mark on the screen.However,Estylo does not have this problem,it’s very accurate and simple in design. Capacitive styluses works on Electric charge density on screens and resistive ounces work with Pressure sensitivity(pressure=force per unit area in newtons per metres square).Moreover the sensitivity size of capacitive screens is very slightly larger than that of resistive screens so we cannot use those very accurate resistive styluses with very precise small tip end .Let me tell you that the guys at Plai are creative genius. They have successfully invented a capacitive stylus with best possible accuracy till now at least which can be much improved in future through heavy research and development.Plai successfully have replaced those traditional punchy,rubbery stylus design *which have no accuracy with a highly sophisticated precision lightweight triangular design.More importantly,not only Estylo works with glove but also it does not require any additional direct radio frequency system support and external power.
If u wish,even though Jot is a disc tip stylus, it it is different than Dagi or OStylus,it’s accurate for medium thick lines (not as much as Estylo) and is much error free than Dagi or OStylus and so u can give Jot a chance for medium thick lines.But Adonit Jot’s tip is not of good quality.I think This much information will be very useful to u. And yes the tip of Estylo will be blunt ones it touches the screen.
I just reviewed Estylo from plai on
Estylo is really the most precise and accurate stylus for iPad I have ever seen.Second choice is Adonit Jot,although Estylo is ultimate stylus choice till now.Estylo is available at
When using Estylo u write with angles,with corners rather than with a rubbery ball like tip,this makes Estylo unique.
NOTE:Estylo is good only for sketching,not recommended for writing or note taking!
Quel difference par rapport à un stylet Dagi?
Bonjour, la différence va se faire sentir au niveau de la pression à exercer. Très faible sur le Estylo et de plus ce dernier permet de varier l’épaisseur en offrant une inclinaison de 5 à 70 degrés.
Déjà emballé par le stylet bamboo je trouve que ce genre d’accessoire apporte un vrai plus u niveau d’un usage professionnel de la tablette. Le petit plus de cette trouvaille… Il est magnétique pas besoin de le chercher, je pense craquer ;)
Bonsoir, le stylet fonctionnera avec les tablettes disposant d’un écran tactile. Tablettes Android (Samsung par ex.) et autres.
Et pour ce qui est des autres tablettes ? Le stylet magnétique fonctionnera ? Ou le stylet normal ?